Friday, April 13, 2007


I am soooo bagged this week and I am glad Friday is here. Or am I because it is Friday the 13th??? My daughter is having a 13 party tonight, so we will have a bunch of girls over tonight for a sleep over. It's mexican night, so we will be enjoying tacos for dinner with tortillia chips and salsa and mexi fries. I power cleaned around the house yesterday. Did I say for 3.5 hrs? I was the magic porch ferry that cleaned up. The kids had to clean up the pile of junk that was sitting outside our front door and pile it up behind our holiday trailer. The neighbour fellow told us he would take a truck load of the junk to the dump for us. I thought that was very nice, but he probably hates looking at it. They are super nice neighbours. My son cleaned the bathroom and my daughter cleaned the kitchen. It felt so good to have it cleaned up. Just in time for some 13 year olds to mess it up. Hee hee hee!! They better clean up their own mess. So, when the house was clean, I baked my daughter a cake for her party at 10pm last night. Crazy eh? This morning I pulled my sorry butt out of bed to ice her cake. Then it was time to go to work. I look outside to see SNOW...WET SNOW. It was just a little bit of snow, but none the less, it was unwanted!!! I am sure it will be all gone by this afternoon. My friend told me she had 2 feet of snow at her house. She lives about half an hour from WL. Tomorrow my son and I are helping with baseball registration and try outs from 11am-3pm. It should be a lot of fun. My kids are both busy with Floor Hockey. They verse each other next Wed. On Sunday we hope to get the kitchen finished. We still have the wall to do around the sink and put up the new light fixture. We have not been home very much in the last few weeks, so hopefully we get it all done this weekend. I might paint the porch now that it is clean in there. I Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! TGIF!!! Oh did I say the boss is away today...not that that makes a difference because we still all work hard regardless.

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