Saturday, May 26, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Been Busy with Grad and all....

Well, less than a month to go until grad. It looks like everything is coming together. Dress bought, shoes bought, hair stuff bought, appts made. Activities planned, decorations are coming along quite nicely. I think it's going to be a great celabration for this year's Grads, Class of 2012. Since this is my first grad as a parent, it is quite exciting. I can't believe how the time flew by. 13 yrs of school and now the next journey begins. For those of you that don't know, Kelsey will be going to VIU, Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo. Originally she was going to go to TRU Kamloops, but the cost of the dorms was quite expensive, so I was happy with Kelsey's 2nd choice of going to VIU. Of course being around her grandparents made that choice really easy. I am excited for her next journey in life. I would have prefered her to do her 1st year here at TRU WL, but Kelsey has her own plans and dreams and as much as she loves me, she is ready to move on. I guess that means I had better get saving $$$ for that ferry ride. I'm sure we will have to visit the island more often while she is there. Every thing is starting to wind down as summer draws closer. I don't know what I will ever do with all that spare time! We are trying to get the final numbers for people attending the Grad Lunch for Kelsey. If you haven't confirmed and you are planning on coming, please send Kels an email If you don't have her email, leave me a comment and I can pass it on to her. Thanks!