Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Ring is here!!!

My hubby wanted to get me an anniversary band for our first anniversary, but he was not able to get one from the company the original ring came from in Courtney. He had talked to a local jeweller and they said they could possibly make one, but the price was outrageous. He started saving up the money for it, but I told him to forget it because I thought it was far too expensive to go that route. What was I thinking...diamonds are a girls best friend right??? So along came anniversary number two and he really wanted to get me the ring and by the end of January he had the money to get it. So, he decides he had better get an updated estimate of the cost, which took almost 2 weeks. Then he was hoping to have the ring by Valentine's day. No such luck. So his next goal was to have it by the time we went to Kamloops for our road trip this weekend. I thougt maybe it might come by my birthday on March 24th. Surprise!!! It came yesterday and the cost was $150 less than the 1st quote. It was still a lot of money for a ring, but I guess I am worth it. I have the 3 rings sodered together into 1 ring (which they did for us at no charge). I am very happy with it. My hubby bought me a white gold diamond necklace at Christmas, so now I just need the matching earings and I am all set. The part that amazes me the most is the fact that it still happened even though we are in the middle of costly reno's. I was willing to wait for the ring until our 5th anniversary in January 2010.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Update on the reno's

We have a pantry now. There is still lots to do in the kitchen. The pantry needs painted, counter tops need replaced, walls need painting. It's coming along nicely. Next stop is the living room. We don't have to do much in there other than paint and put up new moldings to match the rest of the house. We weren't going to start on the living room right away, but we ended up buying new furniture on the weekend, so we need to get it looking nice before the furniture arrives. That gives us about 4 weeks.

My daughter entered one of her poems in a contest (on line) and has made it to the finals. They mailed us to tell us that her poem would be published in a book of poetry, but I am not sure of the date this will happen. I will have to buy a bunch of copies to give out to family and friends. She is a very talented girl. I am very proud of her.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The before and After of my Bathroom floor

What a difference it makes when you update the floor. My hubby picked the color and it looks great because our bathroom is blue and yellow. What do you think?

He's a hard workin little man

This is my son helping my hubby last weekend at work. We bought all the supplies for the kitchen and my son was a big help. He looks like he could be a future Windsor employee. Too cute!

Pantry Door Picture

Here is the Pantry door and here is what we are wanting to hide...all the food on the open shelves...looks kind of tacky. That's why we are building a proper pantry.

No I wasn't on Vacation. I wish.

OOPPS!!! It has been an entire week since I last posted??? Where does all the time go. At work we are in are year end mode, so that has been my focus. There is not much new going on. My daughter is in PG at a Pathfinders Camp. I am sure they are having a great time. I don't know how she will survive 3 days with out her computer or i-pod. (She was not allowed to take them to camp, otherwise the kids all ignore eachother listening to their music etc.)
So the reno's are going slowly. My hubby still has 4 cupboards to put back up. I think on Sunday we will work a bit on making the pantry. The new pantry door is just leaned up against the wall and I am afraid it will fall over and break. Note:There is etched glass on the door that says pantry. Funny, like we didn't know it was the pantry. I guess it is there for the looks. It sure does look nice and I cannot wait to get it up. My hubby is working on his day off this week, so that will slow things down, but we will have an entire weekend off to be able to go visit our friends in Kamloops sometime in March. Yipeee!!!
We are putting in new flooring this weekend in the bathroom. I will post some before and after pictures. We are almost done the bathroom reno's. We just need to paint the bathtub white because avocado green just doesn't fit into our color scheme.
I hope everone has a great weekend!!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Great Magnetic Boat Race

I was so proud of my son today. He did a very good job on his science project display. His experiment is called The Great Magnetic Boat Race. It sure took a long time to write out all the information and he was frustrated at times, but it is done and he has time to spare. I think he will do well with his model and showing how it works. This assignment had to 100% done by the student.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Tim Wade Youth for Christ WL

I am not sure if everyone knows that Tim Wade from Youth for Christ was diagnosed last August with cancer. He has a tumour in his spinal column. Despite chemo and radiation teatments last fall, the tumour has grown and his body is shutting down. He is now in a wheelchair. We are all praying for a miracle for him. There will be a community prayer meeting for Tim on February 22nd at 7pm at Calvary Church. Tim invites all who are interested to visit his blog and share his journey of peace, hope and faith.

It's going to be a busy weekend

This week sure has gone by fast and I can hardly believe it is already Friday. Yesterday the weather was very crazy. We had all the seasons. In the morning it was snowing heavily, then by lunch it was very mild and sunny. 3pm it started to hail, then rain and shortly after that, the sun was up again.

This weekend I will be helping my son work on his science project. He's in grade 5 and his project is called The Great Boat Race. He is using a magnet under a tub of water to make the boat move. He has his project all ready, he just has to do the write up on poster board with all the science terms and his conclusions.
I think my daughter and I are going to bake cookies with a Hershey Kiss in the center. I need to do something with all my Valentine's chocolate besides eating it all myself.
Hopefully we get the rest of the cupboards painted and put back up this weekend. This week has been too busy and we haven't had time in he evenings to do any painting.

I want to start reading Forever Odd. I bought it last November and haven't touched it yet. I needed to read Odd Thomas first and now that I'm done that book, I can move on to this book. After I am done I want to read Brother Odd. I am enjoying Dean Koontz' books. Thanks to Brenda and April for introducing me to this author.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sunshine makes me happy

Even though it was snowing when I left for work this morning, I am having a good day. The sun is out and that always makes me feel better. It is supposed to warm up this afternoon and it looks like the weekend is going to be sunny and mild. I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. I was spoiled as usual. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family. I also spent some time on video chat just chatting with my friend. It was like we were sitting having coffee and chatting at Starbucks (minus the Starbucks Coffee...none her in WL). It was so awesome talking to her and her family. I could hardly believe that we had talked for over an hour. I guess we had a lot of catching up to do. She got a sneak peak at my cuboards because my computer is in the kitchen. I had to agree that the cupboards make the kitchen look so much brighter. We measured up the kitchen walls last night and we will be starting on that in between painting the last few cupboards. I cannot wait for the pantry to be done because you can see what's on the shelves since there is no door. I'll post a picture when the pantry is done. The good news is we are keeping with in budget so far on this project and might continue into the livingroom. It's so much fun. We have looked at new living room furniture, but we will have to decide between that or finnishing the deck and siding this year. It's hard to decide, but we had agreed that we would do the reno's as we could afford them instead of racking up our credit card and paying interest.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Bird

I came across this picture and thought it was funny. I have 2 friends named Robin and growing up I called Robin J. The bird. This must be her and her man!! It also reminded me of the Disney movie Lady and The Tramp. I loved that movie, but my kids won't watch it with me anymore...because they are too old. Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Is this the last snow???

The snow is everywhere. My sister just sent me some pictures of my nephews and nieces playing in the snow in Maple Ridge.They sure seem to enjoy it, but my kids are sick of the snow and don't want to go play in it anymore. Too bad because I was thinking of taking them to The Hills to go tubing on the weekend since there is still so much snow around here. I cannot remember a time at Valentine's Day having any snow. This morning it was very cold out again. I think the radio said it was -18 celcius. Hopefully this is the last cold snap and snow fall for the season. I cannot wait for Spring to be here.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

What Happened to an Early Spring???

I woke up this morning and looked outside to find 4 more inches of snow. Will winter ever end??? It reminded me of The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, where the evil Queen made it winter all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow. It looks so beautiful when it has freshly fallen on the trees. That is part of the reason why we decided to get married in January. For those of you who were at my wedding (2 yrs ago) you would have noticed how pretty the snow was. But now it is February and enough is enough. I can't wait for Spring to get here. I need to get out of town, and a road trip is just what I need. I haven't left town for 3 months and that is just too long. So hopefully this snow goes away soon and we can go away, even if it is just for the weekend.

Monday, February 5, 2007


We had a very productive weekend painting the cupboards in the kitchen. There are 14 cupboards and 4 drawers, so it is taking longer than we first expected. (We are doing 3-4 coats on each side and it's taking about a day until each coat is dry enough to do another coat.) I have my drawers back in and they look great. I got rid of a lot of junk in those drawers. Hopefully by the weekend we will have the cupboards back up. My kitchen is already looking so much brighter. I am ordering new kitchen chairs. They are a simple oak windsor chair and they match the table. The chairs I have right now are getting old and are falling apart. We are down to having only 4 useable chairs. Plus we want to have 6 matching chairs in our newly renovated kitchen. We still have the pantry to build, walls to paint, countertops to replace and a new light fixture to put in over the sink. It will be awesome when it is all done. I can't wait!!!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Wiarton Willie

Well good news to folks who are tired of winter. Wiarton Willie, Canada's Groundhog, did not see his shadow when he poked his head out this morning. That means that Spring is around the corner. Yipeee!!!
Here's the website for this groundhog:
I think I will go home tonight and watch the movie Groundhog Day. It's becoming a tradition to watch this movie and it's a great movie we can watch as a family. Have a great weekend everyone!