Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cupcakes for last day of ball

They turned out pretty good for my decorating skill level. I am no Martha Stewart. I am sure the kids will love them. They are chocolate chip cupcakes. I also sent some cupcakes to school today for Mike's last day of school. They were having a big party in their classroom today. What else can they do? They already got their report cards and know they passed. My kids did really well. They both were on the effort Honour Roll.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Busy week ahead of us

This week is almost half over, and I've been sooooo busy. Monday night I took my son and a couple of friends to the pool. Those 2 friends are moving to Kamloops tomorrow. I was able to go out for a tea while they were swimming with a friend, so that was nice. Last night was ball. Tonight I have a meeting for Parade security for Saturday. I've done it 2 years already and we get paid, well actually they pay my son's ball league. It's a good fundraiser for them and hey, I'm watching the parade anyway. Thursday is Mike's last ball game. I am bringing cupcakes that night. I am decorating them to look like a baseball. I hope they turn out because I won't have much time to work on them.

Yesterday we had our passport photos taken and I'll pick them up this afternoon. We also insured the boat trailer and our holiday trailer. Time sure is going by fast. It's going to be a busy weekend with Stampede. Sean is working on Saturday, so after the parade, I'll get all our groceries for camping. Then I'll start packing up the holiday trailer. It's going to be nice to geet out to the Lake and relax after all having a busy week. The weather is supposed to be sunny and warm starting Sunday. Monday 20% chance of rain and Tuesday 10% chance of rain and the rest of the week looks sunny. So, hopefully the weather forecast doesn't change.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Baseball tournament was fun

It was a very cool looking metal this year. In the mites division, they all won a game and lost a they all received Gold metals. It was a really good tournament and lots of fun for the kids! It started to rain at the end of Mike's last game. He has 2 more games and then the season is over.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Our Home Away From Home

It's a 1967 Idaho Kit Holiday Trailer. With a bit of TLC, it looks like a good place to stay in while we're camping. This summer the holiday trailer will finally leave the yard and be our home away from home!

Friday, June 22, 2007

The weekend is almost here!

My daughter is almost finished Elementary School. Last night the grade 7's had their Concert. My daughter was in a play as well as playing Ukelalli. The grade 7 band played O Canada and 2 other songs. During the second song, some one accidentally turned the lights off and the band played on and didn't miss a beat. It was awesome. There were 3 plays and I enjoyed them all. Kelsey's play was about a fake crocodile scare because the brother didn't want to take his little sister fishing. It was really well done. Kelsey played the part of the little girl and her aunt told her the story of Old Pete, the crocodile and what her Dad did to the aunt when she was little. After the concert, I took Kels and her friend to Dairy Queen for a blizzard treat. Today the grade 7's are at the ball fields for a grade 7 mixer tournament. They will be playing ball all day. My mom is helping out at the ball fields today, so hopefully I get some pictures. It is another sunny and warm day , a good day to be outside.

Tonight we are having our Casual Country Party. My work puts on a summer BBQ every year before Stampede. They provide all the food and drinks you can handle, plus a taxi ride home if needed! Our Casual Country Supplement is the largest product we put out for the entire year. It is usually more than 124 pages, tab size newspaper. A lot of work goes into getting it together, so tonight we will celebrate as the last copies come off the press! I am hoping to win a prize at the party tonight. The Lipizzaner Stallions are coming in July and tickets are $22.50 that's the prize I would like to win, a pack of 4 tickets. We would totally enjoy it! Most likely I'll win a golf shirt or ball cap. Tickets to the Stampede would be OK too. I guess what ever you get is better than nothing (well, usually everyone gets a prize). So, wish me luck! I am having a burger's been more than 3 weeks since I've had one. So I'm going to enjoy it!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I have an i-pod too!!!

Yesterday my i-pod shuffle arrived and within minutes, my daughter was uploading songs from my itunes onto it. I was quite pleased that it was tigger. I'll be bouncing on my trampoline while listening to my tunes. It is so sweet! So far in my family, we all have different colored i-pods, white, blue and orange. My hubby is jealous now that he doesn't have one. He'll have to get a lime green one. My nephew has a pink i-pod. My sister bought it for his birthday. He really wanted pink, I guess pink is the new black. She asked her students if she should buy her son a pink i-pod and they said yes.

Last night my son finally went to ball. It had been cancelled a few times because of the rainy weather. It was a very good game. He could see better with his glasses and hit the ball every time he was up to bat. It was great to see his smiling face. They have re-scheduled the tournament to this Sunday. So, he was quite happy about that because they get a metal for participating and he'll have another one to add to his collection. The sun is shining and it looks like it will be a really nice day! I hope every one has a great day!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bouncing Rocks!

I am happy with my exercise plan. I've lost 8 lbs so far. I really like the new mini exercise trampoline I bought. I jumped on it while watching TV last night. Now I won't be a couch potato (or at least as much of one). Bouncing rocks and it's a good cardio work out for me.

I've also been bike riding. It's amazing how much more energy I have since I've been exercising more. I just need to lose about 20 more lbs and I'll be at my target weight. So, I'll keep on bouncing! Just call me Tigger!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Rainy Week

I haven't written much on my blog lately, mostly because nothing exciting has been going on around here. It rained and rained and rained all week. Which made it difficult for me to get my excercise in, but I still managed 1/2 hour a day. It's been raining so much that my son's ball tournament was cancelled yesterday and his game on Thursday was also cancelled. Friday, Sean and I took a trip to Quesnel to drop the kids off to see their Dad for father's Day weekend. We picked up some camping supplies at Walmart while we were there. (We are Walmartless in WL Still). We always find good deals there for camping, especailly the food. We have to buy small things to fit in the holiday trailer and I refuse to pay such high prices for so little of food. I also picked up a mini excercise trampoline, so now when it rains all week, I can still get my bouncing in. However, my kids seem to think it's their toy. Oh well, they'll get their excercise too. Sunday we went shopping at Surplus Herbies. Sean finally got his fishing liscence. (We gave him gift certificates for Surplus Herbies for Father's Day). Then he bought a new rain coat and some more camping supplies. I bought a new door knob for the holiday trailer because it was only $10. Sean and I painted some more in the holiday trailer. It is really starting to look awesome in there. My parents came over for dinner and it was an awesome dinner. We BBQed using the portable BBQ we bought this year for camping. That way we could cook on it under the covered deck..because it was pouring rain again.Then we got to i-chat with my sister and her family. It was good because she never gets to see our dad for father's day. Exciting news...they (my sister and brother-in-law) are looking at buying a new vehicle. How awesome! This morning it is still rainy, but the sun is out, so maybe it will be a nice day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Test Results

I went to see my doctor today for a follow up on the tests I had a couple of weeks ago. The only thing he found wrong with me was that my fasting sugars were borderline diabetic. So, I decided that I would much prefer diet and excercise rather than the alternative. This has pretty much been what I've been doing over the past few weeks. I just need to have a back up plan in case it rains. It's amazing how much better I feel since I've been excercising more. So, I don't have to go back to see the doctor until the fall. At that time he will do a complete physical and see how I'm doing.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

River Valley Bike Ride

Mike, Sean and I went for a bike ride to the Fraser River. We wanted to see how high the river actually is. When we got to the bottom, the river was quite swollen. The water comes almost up to the trail. Usually we have to walk through 20 feet of beach style sand to get to the river. The water was all muddy and gross. There were lots of debris and tree branches and logs floating down stream. It wasn't very exciting, so we headed back up. The wind was blowing and it was tough getting back up the hill, but we made it. Well, Sean's tire went wonky on the last stretch of the trail to the truck, so I decided to walk with him and our bikes. Secretly, I was thankful for the mishap, because I was pooped and it was great to take it easy by walking. It amazes me how good of shape Sean is in compared to me. I guess he keeps pretty active at work slinging lumber and being on his feet all day. His job is nothing like my desk job. It was nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine while it lasted. It's raining again now.On our bike ride we could smell the wild roses and it was wonderful. We stopped of at my parent's house for iced tea and then headed home. There's still lots to do before we can go camping. Next weekend we a hoping to be able to finish off and do a costco/wallmart trip for the last few things we need.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Mike is seeing like me

So today I purchased my son his first pair of glasses. He's almost finished grade 5 and I was in grade 2 when I needed glasses. I made sure to buy him a pair that he really liked because when I was a kid, I hated my glasses and hid them and refused to wear them at school. So, Mike's glasses were a bit more than I thought they would cost, but they really suit him. They are made by Xgames and they are surfer blue in color. They said if he was involved in sports, he might want to get contacts. I said no way!!! He's not old enough for that. He's only 11 for goodness sake!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Charyl and Bob Flinton will be greatly missed

It was a sad news week in Williams Lake. We found out at work on Tuesday that they had recovered The Flintons' truck in the mud slide that happened on Hwy 16 in Terrrace May 28th. Because of confidetiallity reasons, we were not allowed to tell anyone, until the bodies were recovered and identified. Plus, out of respect for the family it was appropriate to wait before we released the names. I've known the family since my sister and I were kids. Charyl was always kind when ever you spoke to her and what was so amazing about her was that she never mixed my sister and I up. We went to school with their children and now my kids go to school with their grandchildren. They were great people and will be missed by all who knew them. My heart goes out to the family that is left to morn the loss of this great couple of parents and grandparents.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Just jumping in the rain!

Can you see my kids jumping on the trampoline in the first picture? It is pouring rain out, which cannot be good for the flood watch in BC. The kids sure enjoyed jumping in the rain.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

We're goin' campin'

We booked our site at the lake for 11 days in July. Our site comes with electricity, so we can bring the portable TV/DVD player in case it rains so we can watch a movie. The campsite also comes with free wireless internet, so I'll let my daughter bring her computer, so we can get and send emails. There is no cell service out there. We can tie the boat right on the dock at our campsite. I am hoping my parents can come out with their boat too. I cannot wait for our holidays. Better get back to work on getting the trailer painted!!! Cio for now!