Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Trip to the Dentist

6 months ago, I found out I had a very small cavity in my back right molar. My dentist figured it was small enough that I could get it filled with out freezing. First of all, the last time I had a cavity I was 16 years old, second of all, the freezing made me pass out. They had to turn me upside down to get me breathing properly again. It was scarey...the room was spinning. I swore I would never go back. Then when I was 22 I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled and lived through it. I've gone to the dentist regularily since then. So, this morning the dentist is telling me that they will have some freezing on hand just in case..but I was strong and made it through with out the freezing. The worst part of it was the drilling. I guess I have lost my bragging rights for being cavity free for 18 years. I've had the same dentist for over 30 years and he's still the best. I hope he never retires!

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