Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rainy weekend

We had a rainy weekend in Williams Lake over the long weekend. I had hoped to be able to go for a bike ride, but with the lousy weather and everyone being gone, I just puttered around the house. We are working on getting our holiday trailer in shape to take out camping next month and for our summer vacation. We won't be travelling too far since gas prices are so high...$123.9 a liter. We actually have owned the holiday trailer for 3 years, but it hasn't left the yard. It's a 1967 Kit trailer and it has no leaks! We bought a new fridge for it and it needs the outside lighting replaced along with the back window, which has a huge crack in it. It needs new tires too. I bought some easy install lino and we are going to paint it inside and out. So, it's a huge project, but it will all be worth it in the end. I think we will just take it out as far as Mcleese Lake or maybe Lac La Hache this summer. We figured it actually costs us well over $500 to go to the island for holidays, so we are putting that money into fixing up the trailer. Now, we just need some nice sunny weather for camping. I bought each of my kids a twin double high air bed. It's awesome because it inflates with the built in pump in less than 2 min. and they are as high as my couch. My kids had to try them out, so they camped out in the living room last night. I bought them for travelling so that my son is not sleeping on the floor...he has asthma and any pet or dust is not good for him. He thinks he'll be tenting this summer, but I don't think so because the holiday trailer has 3 beds and sleeps 6. But if they really must tent, I'll probably let them. Kels gets enough tenting in at her Pathfinders camps. I cannot wait to go camping and boating and biking this summer. Hopefully we will have company camping too.

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