Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Why is it when you get new furniture that it quickly becomes a magnet for accidents??? We had our love seat for less than a week when my son got sick and puked all over it. This was before our couch came in. Gross, and guess who gets to clean it up! Then last night we come home from ball to find out that my daughter was doing her homework in the living room and apparently her pen wouldn't write so she shook it hard. It was a gel pen and all the ink went flying all over the living room. We found ink on the walls, on the coffee table, on the end tables and spots all over the couch and love seat. We spent almost an hour trying to get the ink off of the couches. It looked like we got it all out, but I'll have to look again today when I get home from work and it is light out. The good thing is we have a 5 year warranty and if the ink doesn't come out, we can return the couches and they will replace them with the exact same ones at no charge. I guess that was a very smart decision we made to get the extra coverage. My daughter felt really bad, but we needed her not to help because she was getting in the way. Needless to say, there will be no more homework in the living room. We've only had the couches for 2 months!!

1 comment:

Sandi said...

I renamed this post from couch catastraphe to c-ouch. It was what my sister called it. She doesn't like to comment on my blog, but sends me an email about it. Maybe one day she will join us commenters.