Monday, January 21, 2008

I've been tagged to do this quiz!

I was tagged by Robyn to do this meme.

1. Name one thing you do everyday.
I eat

2. Name two things you wish you could learn.

I would like to learn a new language (I've been trying Spanish) and learn to operate the snowblower

3. Name three things that remind you of your childhood.

VHS movies
microwaves (my parents still own the original one they bought when I was 9yrs old)
Pong (my first video game system)

4. Name four things you love to eat but rarely do.

ice cream cake
veal cutlets
pork sausages

5. Name five things/people that make you feel good.

Singing and worshiping God
Getting a giant hug from my kids
Spending time with my hubby
eating chocolate while reading a novel
a big cup of coffee...even better if I was enjoying it at Starbucks with a friend

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