Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Extinguished, by my daughter Kelsey

Here's a rough draft of a song my daughter is working on. After I get back from Holidays, we are going to look into getting her some guitar lessons.That way she can put music to these lyrics. Then I'll have to make a copy with my Garageband program and share it with you all. There are typo's in her song, but look past that and enjoy how it flows. She is very talented.

©Kelsey Borgfjord January 29 2008

Lyricz: part 1 (rough draft)

(fire alarm)
Chief:c'mon men, we got a fire to fight!
men:yes sir!
-sirens while fire truck drives off-
Lets save this place, lets save these people! c'mon crew, we got work to do! fire fire fighter. lets get this extinguished, extinguished, the fire or the life, the fire or the life. Extinguished.

Water full to the top, ready to shoot at will,as we go back in again for a lil girl. don't come back till everyones out. terrorist or teenagers, theres a fire for fire fire fighters. dont let a heart skip a beat, don't die from all the heat, lets just do this and get it done. after all, they deserve fun.

Lets save this place, lets save these people! c'mon crew, we got work to do! fire fire fighter. lets get this extinguished, extinguished, the fire or the life, the fire or the life. Extinguished.

Men men rushin in, time and time and time again. How many times have I saved a life? who's countin, who cares? as long as they're safe then thats ok. nobody deserves to die, not like this, a fire or a flicker or a flame and your in terrible pain. Cover your shoulder and ill cover your right, c'mon over so we can fire fight.

Lets save this place, lets save these people! c'mon crew, we got work to do! fire fire fighter. lets get this extinguished, extinguished, the fire or the life, the fire or the life. Extinguished.

Water water runnin low, runnin runnin, walkin slow. We're gettin old and life gettin tough. I think we've all had enough, life is young, we cant do this now. we all got our wives and 5 kids by now. whos there to save but the ever next day? whos gunna cry when every1 dies? the battle is over but the wars just begun. fires are eternal, as eternal as the sun.

-fire truck parks back in the fire depot.-

I dedicate this song to all those brave solidiers of fire all over the world. we're all counting on you!

The sales for this song will be given to fire departments all over this includes forest fire facilities like cifac.


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