Saturday, January 19, 2008

Being Positive about the snow

A friend of mine had a post about being positive. I thought a lot about that while I was outside this morning shoveling the driveway. If you've been to my house, you would remember my steep driveway. So, when it snows, there is no way I can get my car out of the driveway with out getting stuck. Which means I need to shovel first. Luckily Sean has a 4X4 and can get out easily. I'm not that lucky. He went to work this morning and I told him not to worry about the driveway because I wasn't planning on going any where today. I have no idea how to work the snow blower. I decided I would get a head start by shoveling the driveway by hand, so that Sean doesn't have to do it tonight. Well, it took me about an hour and a half to shovel it and by the time I came back in to the house I was sweating. It is very hard work, but I certainly felt like I had my cardio work out for the day. Now I feel really good and can relax and enjoy the rest of the day.
While I was shoveling, 2 girls from Jehovah's Witness wanted to talk to me, but I said I was far too busy. They left right way. I was surprised because the last time some Johovah's Witness came I was also out shoveling and they thought they could read me a scripture while I shoveled. No thanks. Perhaps they would want to help shovel with me? Not likely!
Another positive twist on the snow is, we will really enjoy our holiday in California where there is no snow and plenty of sunshine. We leave in 2 weeks and we are all starting to get very excited. So, hopefully when we come back from holidays there will be signs of spring here in the puddle.


Brenda said...

Good for you in finding the positives about the snow. This is one of the hardest ones for me. ;-) I guess I'll just think about Arizona in April and Spain in September. lol


Robyn Jones said...

you've been tagged for a meme...(quiz) come to my page and get it...