Monday, March 24, 2008

Over the hump and on my way to 40 and still content

First I wanted to say how choked I am that I woke up to snow this morning! Grrrr! Today I am another year older and it just feels weird. I guess I am just thinking about life and how I am now creeping up onto 40. When you are 35, you still feel like your in your thirties, but now I'm over the hump and on my way to 40. Let's not rush it though because I have 4 more years to go. Since my Friend Robin will turn 40 in March 2012 (hee hee hee she's always 22 days older than me), we've decided to go on a Disneyland trip to celebrate our 40th birthdays. I just realized that my daughter will graduate when I'm 40. My goal is to have a house by the time I am 40 (because I'm tired of living in a mobile home and being so squished).
Sean is treating me to pizza tonight. I want to try the new pizza from Panago with the green olives. Then we will enjoy the nice bottle of wine that I bought at Missions Hills, well maybe not the entire bottle(;

1 comment:

Sandi said...

OK the wine was very good. I managed to save a glass for tonight(: I had a fantastic birthday!