Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Protecting your Vehicle from Theft

My convertible is only insured until Nov. 9th because we won't be driving it during the winter. We were discussing whether it's worth it to get parking insurance for it because it's so old and not worth a lot book value. Then we were thinking that we have put more into in than it's worth and it's an awesome car (very valuable to me). To put parking insurance on it til spring would only be $40. So why not buy the parking insurance and have peace of mind?

My friend's hubby had is truck stolen while it was being parked at his friend's place. I've found out that they have found the truck and it is burnt beyond recognition. I'm sure they will be sad about the loss of the truck for a very long time. The truck had sentimental value to both of them. These people that just steal vehicle for joy rides are big jerks! (I'd say more about what I think of them, but I have to keep my blog PG)

Last month in WL there were over 100 vehicles stolen (over 3 cars/ day stolen). As we approach the cooler fall weather, unfortunately the auto thefts will increase. They are at the worst during the cold winter months. In the winter I don't leave my car running to warm up unless I am in the car or watching it carefully. I need to get back in the habbit of using my car club for my Neon. I always remember to use it for the convertible. The fellow we bought the car from told us that his daughter never locked the car, but put the club on. I guess that makes sense because they can easily cut the soft top if they really wanted in.
Last week a car just like my Neon was stolen from the movie theater during the matinee. Is auto theft a big problem where you live? What do you do to protect your vehicle?

1 comment:

Robyn Jones said...

We had our car broken into once this year...believe it or not, parked within feet of the kitchen....where we were....They didn't have to break in, because we forgot to lock the all they did was rifle through, and there were cds and stuff scattered everywhere. They must have been looking for money...which I never leave in the car, and so they didn't take anything, and this story had a happy ending....