Sunday, September 2, 2007

Happy 40th Anniversary to my parents

My parents are truly an amazing couple. I hope they have a wonderful anniversary.

Today my parents celebrate their 40th anniversary. They are out at Felker Lake camping this weekend and we are going out to see them in just a while. I got up early this morning to bake them a cake, lunar rhubarb cake (my dad's favorite, my mom likes it too). The kids are going to go tubing on the lake and I'll enjoy the nice boat ride. We are having a nice dinner at the lake and after campfire tonight, we are coming home. We had enough camping earlier in the summer and it is supposed to rain tonight. I don't do camping in the rain. I'm sure it will be an awesome day. I might take a jump in the car and head over to Chimney Lake to visit a friend who lives up north, we used to work together when I was 18 yrs old and we worked at Mr. Mikes.

1 comment:

Robyn Jones said...

Tell them I said congrats!!