Friday, March 9, 2007

Happy weekend

I agree with my friend when she says TGIF. I am looking forward to the weekend. My kids will be away and my Hubby has to work all weekend, so I am going to spend some quality time reading my friend's book. I don't know how much I will be able to read at one time due to my blurry vision, but I hope to be able to jump right into it. I just love reading and it's even better when you get a sneak peak at a book that is not published yet. I cannot wait to see my friend's book for sale in the book stores. It will be so cool. I think we are going to get a book shelf for in my bedroom for all my books. If I am feeling up to it I might wash the walls in the livingroom and get them ready for being painted. I need to start my spring cleaning. My uncle and cousin are coming for the weekend and are staying with my parents. So I am sure it will be a happy weekend. I am also caught up at work after taking some time off, so that is great because I don't like to be behind and think about that all weekend. Too bad my friend isn't coming for a visit this weekend. Maybe she'll be able to visit soon and by then I will have my new couch.

1 comment:

Robyn Jones said...

Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend...I think that sounds nice...I am going to try too....Talon is with Judy for the weekend, and so I am going to SLEEP, and then SHOWER and then...well....I am going to sleep and shower...i will figure out the rest after that...LOL!