Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Update on my appointment

I went to see Dr. Hopp today and he sent me to the Kamloops Hospital for a flourentine test. This test involved getting yellow dye shot through my vein and then they took pictures of my eyes at 30 second intervals. Big bright flashing lights. It was making me feel ill, but I made it through. I had my eyes dialated 2 times today. They didn't really say what the problem is and basically I will have to live with blurred vision in my left eye until I go back to see Dr. Hopp in 4 weeks. How frustrating.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Be careful with your poor eyes! I had a retinal detachment in Oct'02 (left eye) and went for two whole weeks before realizing that it was not going to get better! DUMB! Thankfully I got into surgery ASAP and all still seems ok...
Don't strain too much reading your book but do enjoy your quiet time!!!