Thursday, March 1, 2007

Eye sight troubles

I am having troubles again with my sight in my left eye. It all started about 4 years ago when a chunk of old paint got into my eye when I was scaping the paint off the shed. In the spring of 2004 I was having my eyes checked and they noticed that I had scratches on the back of my left eye. I figured it was from that darn paint chip from the previous year and thought nothing of it. That was until my vision started to go down hill. By the spring of 2005 I was not able to drive at night because of the glare of the headlights and if it rained it was hard to see the road. I was refered to a specialist and found out that I had an eye disease called PIC, an eye disease common overseas. Since I hadn't left the country in years they wondered how I ended up with PIC. This disease causes swelling in the back of my eye causing blurred vision. I had to take a stereroid that helped reduce the swelling in my eye so I was able to see and do my job. I never at that point ever thought about how my life would be different if I couldn't see. It scares me a lot. In the fall of 2005 I ended up having to go to Vancouver to see the specialist. They injected a neon yellow dye into my eye and took over 100 pictures. Those flashes were very bright. The stereroid seemed to work and my eye sight was better. I was thankful not to have to take the medication because It had horrible side effects for me. Plus, I made it to age 30 before I even had to take a tylenol, so I wasn't used to taking pills. For the entire year 2006, I went for a check up every 3 months at the WL clinic. Last October, things were looking great and the Eye Doctor thought I should start coming every 6 months because my eyes were doing so well. I was back to my regular perscription from 2004. I thought this is great, I might qualify for laser eye surgery. When checking into it, I would only qualify if my perscription didn't change or have an eye disease for a minium of 2 years. So for now, I guess laser eye surgery is out of the question. I'm OK with that because it is still quite costly. So, we decided to get new livingroom furniture instead. I will be going to see Dr. Hopp in Kamloops next week to find out what to do next. I am glad to have the option of going to Kamloops instead of Vancouver. I have friends there and I am starting to know my way around Kamloops. I will keep you updated of the results. Thanks to everyone who is praying for me.

1 comment:

Robyn Jones said...

Sorry that your eye is causing you problems again...We will keep you in prayer. Keep us updated....