Saturday, December 6, 2008

Friday..the day from hell!

I woke up Friday morning to 8 inches of snow, but I didn't sweat it because I knew I'd be driving the Jimmy and it's a 4 wheel drive. What a treat it was not having to shovel the driveway at 6am just so I can get my car out and go to work. Work was extremely slow because of the bad weather. Then the rain came and made all the pretty snow into ugly mucky slush. I had an appointment and had to go out in the rain Friday morning. Good thing I had my winter boots on or my feet would've been soaked. At the end of my work day, I had a hair cut appointment. It was the last thing I wanted to do because I knew the rain would be freezing soon and the drive home would be a nightmare. I went anyways because I wanted to have my hair done for Sean's staff party Sat. night. I'm leaving work a few min. early when my boss wants to talk to me about some employees. Since I'm the office manager, I had to deal with that, but I did tell him I had an appointment so make it quick. Which he did and all is well. I get in the Jimmy and head to my appointment. No parking is to be found, so I have to park at Safeway and walk in the puddles of slush to the salon. While walking my cell phone rings. It's Sean and he tells me that Mike missed the bus. So, I tell him to call Kel' friends house because that is where he would be. The kids had made a plan to take the bus to WL High School together and Mike would take the bus home and Kels would go to Aki's. I get to my appointment 10 min. late, but she's behind a bit so I call Sean at work, he's left to go get Mike. He's not answering his cell phone. I don't know for sure where my son is, but I was confident that Kels wouldn't leave him at WL. So, I phone Kels and she doesn't answer her cell phone, battery was dead): I even texted her. So I called her at her friend's house and found out for sure that Mike was there. I'm relieved, but I still can't get a hold of Sean. So, I leave him a voice mail. He calls me back saying he can't find Mike, he's not at his school. I ask him if he called Aki's house and he hadn't because who ever answered the phone at my work and called Sean at his work told him that Mike missed the bus and assumed that he was at his school. What a mess. So Sean is already down town, so I told him to bring Mike back to his work for the last 1/2 hr. Mike doesn't know Sean is picking him up and is enjoying a cup of hot chocolate with the girls and is not ready when Sean arrives, thus making Sean frustrated because he has to get back to work. To top things off, the girls didn't get to go to The Stellar Kart Concert because of thte snow, their plane couldn't land and they had to cancel the concert. That was supposed to be Aki's birthday gift from Kels. Now we have to figure something else out. By the time I got home from my hair appointment and got dinner cooked, it was 8pm. Anyone who knows me well, and partially because I am borderline diabetic, if I don't eat I get really cranky and down right miserable. Luckily I had made a turkey pot pie and froze it for such an occasion. It was delicious. So, Friday was a day from hell for me, but I survived.
Now that it's Saturday, I've decided to do some baking this morning ,then I'm going to town to have lunch with my friend. Sean's staff party is at Vern's Pool Hall tonight. I'm sure we are going to have a good time and the food is always awesome(:Tomorrow we are putting up the tree and finishing our Christmas shopping after church!
This is my new hair style. What do you think of it? It's very short, but suits my face and new glasses(:


Robyn Jones said...

I really like the new glasses, and the new hair is nice too. No one is allowed to take pics of me right now, cause after the baby, I look downright horrible...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hello, this is a very fine
haircut and suits you very well.
Also the new glasses. They are in
and I have the impression you also
like them. That's most important.
Enjoy the season!