Monday, July 16, 2007

Back to work

Well my first day back to work was today and it wasn't all that bad. I could actually see my desk (usually it's totally covered in paper work when I'm away). I was able to catch up on my payables before lunch and it was nice to be in an airconditioned office all day. Sean came to my office for lunch.
Yesterday,we set up the swimming pool for the kids to enjoy. They took a dip in it this evening after dinner. We bought the pool last year during a heat wave, but our water is rusty and full of iron when you fill up a pool it looks like a mucky orange color, so we only filled it up once last year. I found some rust and iron remover that doesn't smell yucky, so we used a bit of that and it worked really well. The pump for the pool also removed the sediment that we have in the water, so it was perfect to swim in. Here's my family enjoying the pool.

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