Friday, June 22, 2007

The weekend is almost here!

My daughter is almost finished Elementary School. Last night the grade 7's had their Concert. My daughter was in a play as well as playing Ukelalli. The grade 7 band played O Canada and 2 other songs. During the second song, some one accidentally turned the lights off and the band played on and didn't miss a beat. It was awesome. There were 3 plays and I enjoyed them all. Kelsey's play was about a fake crocodile scare because the brother didn't want to take his little sister fishing. It was really well done. Kelsey played the part of the little girl and her aunt told her the story of Old Pete, the crocodile and what her Dad did to the aunt when she was little. After the concert, I took Kels and her friend to Dairy Queen for a blizzard treat. Today the grade 7's are at the ball fields for a grade 7 mixer tournament. They will be playing ball all day. My mom is helping out at the ball fields today, so hopefully I get some pictures. It is another sunny and warm day , a good day to be outside.

Tonight we are having our Casual Country Party. My work puts on a summer BBQ every year before Stampede. They provide all the food and drinks you can handle, plus a taxi ride home if needed! Our Casual Country Supplement is the largest product we put out for the entire year. It is usually more than 124 pages, tab size newspaper. A lot of work goes into getting it together, so tonight we will celebrate as the last copies come off the press! I am hoping to win a prize at the party tonight. The Lipizzaner Stallions are coming in July and tickets are $22.50 that's the prize I would like to win, a pack of 4 tickets. We would totally enjoy it! Most likely I'll win a golf shirt or ball cap. Tickets to the Stampede would be OK too. I guess what ever you get is better than nothing (well, usually everyone gets a prize). So, wish me luck! I am having a burger's been more than 3 weeks since I've had one. So I'm going to enjoy it!

1 comment:

Robyn Jones said...

Good luck winning...I never have much luck that way..(pout pout...)