Monday, June 18, 2007

Rainy Week

I haven't written much on my blog lately, mostly because nothing exciting has been going on around here. It rained and rained and rained all week. Which made it difficult for me to get my excercise in, but I still managed 1/2 hour a day. It's been raining so much that my son's ball tournament was cancelled yesterday and his game on Thursday was also cancelled. Friday, Sean and I took a trip to Quesnel to drop the kids off to see their Dad for father's Day weekend. We picked up some camping supplies at Walmart while we were there. (We are Walmartless in WL Still). We always find good deals there for camping, especailly the food. We have to buy small things to fit in the holiday trailer and I refuse to pay such high prices for so little of food. I also picked up a mini excercise trampoline, so now when it rains all week, I can still get my bouncing in. However, my kids seem to think it's their toy. Oh well, they'll get their excercise too. Sunday we went shopping at Surplus Herbies. Sean finally got his fishing liscence. (We gave him gift certificates for Surplus Herbies for Father's Day). Then he bought a new rain coat and some more camping supplies. I bought a new door knob for the holiday trailer because it was only $10. Sean and I painted some more in the holiday trailer. It is really starting to look awesome in there. My parents came over for dinner and it was an awesome dinner. We BBQed using the portable BBQ we bought this year for camping. That way we could cook on it under the covered deck..because it was pouring rain again.Then we got to i-chat with my sister and her family. It was good because she never gets to see our dad for father's day. Exciting news...they (my sister and brother-in-law) are looking at buying a new vehicle. How awesome! This morning it is still rainy, but the sun is out, so maybe it will be a nice day!

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