Saturday, January 31, 2009

OMG Pop Shoppe Pop is back!

Ah, Pop Shoppe Pop and the memories I have when I was a kid. Back in the early 80's we had a store called The Pop Shoppe and all they sold was Pop Shoppe Pop. It was a treat for us to go to The Pop Shoppe once a month and pick out the flavours of pop we liked the most. My favorites were Black Cherry, Grape, Green Lime and cream soda. Back then pop was a treat and we rarely had any. When we visited our Great Uncle Dave in Nanaimo, he would send us downstairs and we would pick out some Pop Shoppe Pop. It was great. So, when I saw some at the store today, I just had to buy some. I am wondering if it tastes as good as I remember. I picked out black cherry, Mike picked rootbeer, we bought cola for Sean and grape fro Kelsey. We are going to enjoy our pops tonight with a movie. Kels isn't home, but don't worry Kels we won't drink yours with out replacing it!

1 comment:

Robyn Jones said...

I used to like their cream soda...