Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We didn't make it to October...

Every year we try to not turn the furnace on until Oct. 1st. Well, we didn't make it this year. I woke up freezing this morning. It was 14C which makes it 58F. Way toooo cold. So I broke down and turned the furnace on. I guess that's not too bad, only a week early. By this afternoon it'll be so hot and we will be back in shorts and tank tops. What else can you expect from the good old Cariboo? Did I mention that I had to scrape my windows and defrost the car before heading out this morning? Along with the cooler temperatures in the fall, we also have a very bad cold/flu going around. My son picked it up from being at school. I always dread this time of year because when Mike get a cold, it goes from bad to worse because of his asthma. I still remember the many times he was in the hospital and had to be on oxygen to breathe. Now Sean has picked up a nasty cold and it was so bad, he slept on the couch so we wouldn't get woken up by his hacking and barking all night. He's not going to work today, so it must be pretty bad. I rarely catch a cold, so keep your fingers crossed. I have purchased a big bottle of codeine cough syrup and lots of Neo Citrin (Life Brand because it tastes better). That should get us through this nasty cold/flu season.

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