Monday, September 1, 2008

We are at it again....

Labour Day keeps us busy. We went through clothes and gave away the ones that don't fit or we just will never wear again. My closet looks so much better. The kids went through their toys, clothes and movies to give away. Their rooms look so much better. Now on to the spare room/ junk room. Well, we de-junked it. 2 trips to the dump. We pulled out the carpet that was stained and blue and found some old carpet underneath. We will be putting laminate flooring in there, so that carpet has to go too. It's getting a fresh paint job...what ever color we have left over enough to use will be the color we choose. We will finish it off like the rest of the house with new moldings and new closet doors. Our camper is being used right now for storage of the futon and a few other things from the room we couldn't part with(: I'll do the painting on the inside and Sean will continue with the siding. After the spare room is done, we will move on to cleaning the porch and painting it. It should be done by Christmas..I was going to say Thanksgiving, but that's only 6 weeks away. So the fun continues....

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