Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Summer is still hanging in there

The weather in the cariboo has turned to fall overnight, but by late afternoon, summer is still hanging in there. I enjoyed a nice BBQ with my parents last night out on our deck. It was nice and warm and the sun was shining. There won't be too much more sunny days left as the fall weather approaches, so we try to enjoy them while we can. Early evening the sun went down and we all had to grab a sweater to keep warm. We walked around the property and looked at our bikes and decided that we were done riding them for the season. Next we picked the apples off the tree. My dad helped my son out by shaking the apple tree until all the apples fell off. We needed to get all the fruit picked because there was a bear spotted near our place. Last year we were not quick enough and the bear ate all the apples and left a steaming pile of apple dung in the back yard.We strolled around some more and looked at the siding Sean is working on and then went inside to check out the reno's in the spare room. Then we enjoyed a few games of Wii bowling. We are trying to spend as much time as we can with my parents before they leave. Honestly, I don't know how I'll feel when they have moved on. I try not to think of it because it makes me sad. We were very blessed to have my parents around for us and our kids. I'm sure the kids will miss them lots too. Now if only they would get internet...we could video chat and that would be awesome. If not I'm sure the long distance phone bill will increase dramatically or we can always text them on their cell. One thing for sure is, it will be strange not having them around.

I drove the convertible to work today because I'll be able to have the top down on they way home. I'm going to enjoy what sun I can get. It seems that summer was very short this year. Where does the time go?

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