I thought I would update you on what is happening with my swollen ankle. They narrowed it down to a very rare skin disorder called loprodermatosclerosis. Which basically means hardening of the tissue. I have abnormal/blocked blood flow to my deeper veins. A very rare disease that effects 1.1 in 1000. It was hard to detect because I do not have varicose veins which is a tell tale sign of vein blockage. I started wearing the support hose the dermatolagist told me to get. I was surprised to find a more attractive stocking in beige and black for only $29.99 a pair. They feel really tight on my ankle,but the swelling seems to be minimal, so that's a bonus! My doctor thought I might need a steroid injection; Fibrinoltic enhancement, Stanozol. I am going to see him in a month and he will determine at that time if I need the stereroid or not. So here's hoping the stocking works.
Lipodermatosclerosis (LDS or liposclerosis)
This refers to a thickening in the tissues underneath the skin. It can only be detected by feeling the leg. It is a very obvious change in the tissues. They become hard and woody and lose all their normal suppleness. It is particularly obvious in some patients with varicose veins. This is because it can be easy to feel the difference between the relatively soft and compressible vein and the surrounding hard, incompressible tissues.