Thursday, November 15, 2007

Winter Woes

Yesterday it started to snow quite heavily late in the afternoon. Not thinking much of it and because I have good winter tires, I headed home after work. When I started up my road, which is 1km hill up to my house, I wasn't even a bit concerned that my car wouldn't make it up the hill. That was until I got to the first corner and there was a car straddled sideways in the ditch. By this time I see several cars, but decide to continue going up. Then all of a sudden my tires are spinning and I am sliding backwards and fast back down the hill. Finally I was able to stop, just missing the ditch. Someone had spun out at the same place earlier and had put sand down to get their vehicle back on the road. That was what saved me from ditching and damaging my car. There was no way I was going to even try to get my car moved, so I put on the 4 way flashers and called Sean at work to let him know about the car. He left work a bit early to see what he could do. In the mean time, I decide I should try to walk up the hill. Within a few steps I slipped on the ice and fell down hit my head and slid down the hill until my car stopped me. I think I laid on the ground for a few min. in great pain before I was able to get up. I opened the passenger side door and sat down and waited for my hubby( knight in shining armour) to rescue me. After I waited in the car for about 5 min. one of the men in our neighbourhood came and talked to me about my situation. He was trying to see if he could pull me out and up the hill to our driveway. But my car is all plastic in the front and he couldn't hook on to it. Then Sean showed up and they chatted about the best strategy. Finally they were able to get the car out and Sean parked it at the bottom of the hill. By this time there were several more cars in the ditch. Yikes! We went home in Sean's truck and had dinner. My neck was in so much pain, I had to take some ibuprofen. The roads were not sanded until after 10pm, so my car had to stay at the bottom of the hill. At least I should be able to get home tonight!


Brenda said...

Oh, Sandi, I hope your head's okay. That's scary. I hate winter!

Robyn Jones said...

That's not very good...It must have been pretty bad for you to not be able to walk up the hill...It doesn't normally get that bad...(see there are some good things about Saskatchewan being flat!)We just got our first real snow this morning....