Monday, November 12, 2007

Kneel mail

This morning I was watching 100 Huntley Street. I don't usually watch it, but honestly there was nothing else on that was worth watching. The preacher was yelling his sermon out, which kinda makes me laugh because the audience isn't deaf. Why do some preachers do that? But, because he was yelling it out I could hear what he was talking about while I was eating my breakfast in the kitchen. Here's what got me. He said we all need to turn off those ipods, stop wasting our time on Facebook and emails and get on our knees and get into kneel mail. Yikes, because I have an ipod, I belong to Facebook and who doesn't have email these days? It did get me thinking though. I spend a lot of time doing those things and not a lot of time praying and reading the bible. Plus we quit going to church over 5 months ago. Yikes again. But if you look into my life, I am living out God's word by my character and personality as well as trying to show others a godly life.(I am not perfect, but I 'm human) We don't go to church right now, but one day we are looking forward to being involved with a church that that makes a difference. Not just a church of programs, but a church that has a core group of people and a heart to bring change to this lost world we live in. So, perhaps I need to send God more kneel mails to find out what he is calling us to do this season.
Did I tell you that the power was off this morning shortly after breakfast for 6.5 hours. Coincidence? I had 7 hours of no TV, Music, Facebook, Internet or emails...hmmm.....interesting eh?

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