Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Those darn squirrels

Not much has been happening around our home in the last few weeks. We had a great time camping over the August long weekend, but my camera is 12 mega pixels and won't upload to my blog. So no camping pictures yet. Perhaps I can get my mom to give me some of her pictures.

Now onto my squirrel problem. Those darn squirrels are cute when you are camping but they are huge pests at home. In July the squirrels were running on our roof at 5am and waking us up. Then they found a way to get into the roof, thus making even more noise. So my hubby put up new sofits and blocked the ends of the metal roofing to keep those darn pests out. This really made those squirrels mad, so they decided to try and get through the sofits and have now wrecked them in several spots. Sean was out late last night nailing up 1X2's so they couldn't get through the screening. This morning we slept HA! they cannot get in anymore. Now I'm sure they will move on to the neighbors roof, but hey that's not our problem(:

1 comment:

Todd M said...

I feel your pain. Have had a similar problem with raccoons.

It's funny that your name is Sandi because that is the name of the squirrel on Sponge Bob.