We had a lovely week visiting with my sister and family and now reality is setting in. Back to work, back to school. It feels like fall. As we are driving closer to home we see chimney's with smoke in them. We know the season is about to change. BUT the furnace stays off at our house; for heaven's sake-it's still August.
Our drive home yesterday was interesting.
We got home just before 9pm. There was a bad semi truck accident in the canyon and we were stuck there in traffic for over an hour. Good thing we went shopping and out to lunch or who knows what could've happened. The truck part was detached and they used a crane to put it in the back of a dump truck. The driver hit a hydro pole and the power was out for all the tunnels but China Bar. We stopped for dinner at the Husky in Cache Creek. Kels met up with her boyfriend Chris. He seems very quiet, but nice.
Sean had hoped to work on the siding for the next 2 days, but we cannot rent any scafalting. All the rental stores are closed for the last long weekend of summer.
It felt good to be back in my own bed, but I miss my family and friends already. I wish I lived closer than 6hrs drive away. Well at least it's only 6 weeks till we see them again.
Have a great weekend everyone!