Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I am so fed up with STUPID drivers

Last night I took Kelsey out for a driving lesson after supper. We appoached a playground zone and my daughter slowed down to just under 30 km/hr. All of a sudden there is a silver mini-van tail gating us. Before I even had time to tell Kels to just pull over and let him by, a White Toyota Pyrus passes both the mini-van and my car. I had time to write down the liscence plate number of the white car. This person driving the Pyrus is a professional Driver. (I am not mentioning the company name, but if you live in this city, you know what company I am talking about) My first thought is what an idiot he is and it made me mad that a professional driver would drive like that. Next thing I know the silver mini-van is passing us. What the heck? I could see the N on the back but he was driving too fast to catch the liscence plate #. The lady walking on the sidewalk stood there with a shocked look on her face. She couldn't believe what just happened either. Shame on both drivers. There is a Reason for playground zones and I wish people would respect the speed limits posted. I hope they get caught before something terrible happens. I am finding that since I've been teaching my daughter to drive, I notice more and more idiots on our roads. The 2 minites they saved speeding could have cost someone their life. I am very discusted and have made a complaint to the RCMP.

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